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  • Aviagen Brief: Male Replacement Programs to Improve Persistency of Fertility

    If managed effectively, male replacement programs can help to improve persistency in fertility. Introducing a number of new, generally younger males into a flock causes a change in the flock’s social pattern, stimulating the mating activity within the flock and increasing ov… Read more

  • Poster: Transitional Ventilation For Broilers

    Transitional ventilation is a temperature driven process during which fans stop running on a cycle timer (minimum ventilation) and start running continuously for temperature control. This poster gives best practice, step by step recommendations for managing transitional vent… Read more

  • Poster: Tunnel Ventilation For Broilers

    Tunnel ventilation should only be used when transitional ventilation in no longer capable of keeping the birds comfortable. This poster gives best practice techniques for effective management of tunnel ventilation systems, in environmentally controlled broiler houses. Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Addressing Carcass Quality Issues at the Processing Plant

    This document emphasizes the importance of correctly addressing carcass quality issues within the processing plant. After the producer has worked hard to get the correct number of birds for processing, reducing issues at the processing plant helps guarantee the most profitab… Read more

  • Feathering in Broiler Breeder Females

    Maintaining feather cover in broiler breeder hens is important for economic production and animal welfare. This booklet presents our current knowledge about feathering in broiler breeder hens from a scientific point of view. Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Management of Broiler Breeders in the Absence of Beak Treatment

    The beak treatment of young broiler breeders has been used as an aid to prevent cannibalism and mortality due to feather pecking since the 1970's, but within the next few years' beak treatment will no longer be allowed in many countries. The aim of this document is to detail… Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Broiler Management in Hot Weather

    This document looks at providing advice on how to best manage flocks during periods of high environmental temperatures. Read more

  • A Guide to Managing Broilers in Open-Sided Housing

    Rearing broilers in open-sided housing is still preferred by growers in many parts of the world where there is  sparse availability of electricity, poor infrastructure, and low levels of initial investment.

    The objective of this supplement is to provide best practice mana… Read more

  • Poster: Uniformity of Female Broiler Breeders

    This poster illustrates the importance of managing the female broiler breeder for good uniformity from chick start through to grading and with proper feed intake. Read more

  • Ross 308 Management Supplement - Fast Feathering

    The Ross 308 FF is a fast-feathering Ross breeder that has been selected to have longer upper layer feathers (primaries) and shorter lower layer feathers (coverts) on the outer wing. This purpose of this supplement is to highlight specific areas where management advice may d… Read more


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