Aviagen Group UK Tax Strategy

Background and Scope

This strategy applies to Aviagen International Finance Limited and to the group of companies headed by Aviagen International Finance Limited. A list of the entities to which it applies is set out at Appendix 1. In this strategy, references to the ‘Aviagen Group’ or ‘the ‘Group’ are to all these entities. This strategy was published on 27 June 2024 and the Group regards this publication as complying with its duty under paragraph 16(2) Schedule 19 FA 2016 in its financial years ended 30 June 2024 and 30 September 2024; please refer to Appendix 1 for details of the relevant financial year-ends for the relevant group companies.

This strategy applies from the date of publication until it is superseded. References to ‘UK Taxation’ are to the taxes and duties set out in paragraph 15(1) of the Schedule which include Income Tax, Corporation Tax, PAYE, NIC, VAT, Insurance Premium Tax, and Stamp Duty Land Tax. References to ‘tax’, ‘taxes’ or ‘taxation’ are to UK taxation and to all corresponding worldwide taxes and similar duties in respect of which the Aviagen Group has legal responsibilities.


The Aviagen Group is committed to full compliance with all statutory obligations and full disclosure to relevant tax authorities. The Aviagen Group’s tax affairs are managed in a way which takes into account the group’s wider corporate reputation in line with the Aviagen Group’s overall high standards of governance.

Governance in relation to UK taxation

Risk Management

Attitude towards tax planning and level of risk

The Aviagen Group manages risks to ensure compliance with legal requirements in a manner which ensures payment of the right amount of tax.

When entering into commercial transactions, the Aviagen Group seeks to take advantage of available tax incentives, reliefs and exemptions in line with, and in the spirit of, tax legislation. The Aviagen Group does not undertake any tax planning inconsistent with its commercial objectives.

The level of risk which the Aviagen Group accepts in relation to UK taxation is consistent with its overall objective of achieving certainty in the group’s tax affairs. At all times the Aviagen Group seeks to comply fully with its regulatory and other obligations and to act in a way which upholds its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. In relation to any specific issue or transaction, the Board is ultimately responsible for identifying the risks, including tax risks, which need to be addressed and for determining what actions should be taken to manage those risks, having regard to the materiality of the amounts and obligations in question.

Relationship with HMRC

The Aviagen Group seeks to have a transparent and constructive relationship with HMRC through communication in respect of developments in the Group’s business, current, future and retrospective tax risks, and interpretation of the law in relation to all relevant taxes.

The Group ensures that HMRC is kept aware of significant transactions and changes in the business and seeks to discuss any tax issues arising at an early stage. When submitting tax computations and returns to HMRC, the Group discloses all relevant facts and identifies any transactions or issues where it considers that there is potential for the tax treatment to be uncertain.

Any inadvertent errors in submissions made to HMRC are fully disclosed as soon as reasonably practicable after they are identified. All dealings with HMRC are undertaken in a collaborative and timely manner.

Published on 27 June 2024

Appendix 1

List of entities covered by this Tax Strategy

Those with a financial year ended 30 June 2024

Those with a financial year ended 30 September 2024