한국어 – Korean

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  • Indian River Be Smart: Energy, The Fuel of Life

    Energy is often considered the “Fuel of Life”. Primarily it is needed for maintaining basic metabolism (maintenance energy). This article is an attempt to provide a flock manager with some tools to use when making decisions on feeding energy to a breeder flock. Read more

  • Arbor Acres Service Bulletin: Energy, The Fuel of Life

    Energy is often considered the “Fuel of Life”. Primarily it is needed for maintaining basic metabolism (maintenance energy). This article is an attempt to provide a flock manager with some tools to use when making decisions on feeding energy to a breeder flock. Read more

  • Indian River Hatching Egg Shell Quality Pocket Guide

    This document is a practical, on-farm tool aimed at helping farmers identify hatching egg shell issues. For each egg shell abnormality there is a picture showing what the abnormality looks like, which is linked to a table detailing the causes and solutions associated with th… Read more

  • Arbor Acres Hatching Egg Shell Quality Pocket Guide

    This document is a practical, on-farm tool aimed at helping farmers identify hatching egg shell issues. For each egg shell abnormality there is a picture showing what the abnormality looks like, which is linked to a table detailing the causes and solutions associated with th… Read more

  • Ross Hatching Egg Shell Quality Pocket Guide

    This document is a practical, on-farm tool aimed at helping farmers identify hatching egg shell issues. For each egg shell abnormality there is a picture showing what the abnormality looks like, which is linked to a table detailing the causes and solutions associated with th… Read more

  • Indian River: Investigating Hatchery Practice

    In this document the biological targets which need to be met in the chicken hatchery to ensure good hatchability and chick quality, and how to assess, measure and incorporate these into routine quality control program are described. Read more

  • Arbor Acres Service Bulletin: Incubating Eggs at High Altitudes

    A hatchery which is sited at high altitude (1500 meters (4921 feet) or more above sea level) faces some particular challenges;  slower embryo growth, longer incubation periods and lower hatchability have to be expected. With better understanding of the principles involved, p… Read more

  • Indian River Be Smart: Incubating Eggs at High Altitudes

    A hatchery which is sited at high altitude (1500 meters (4921 feet) or more above sea level) faces some particular challenges;  slower embryo growth, longer incubation periods and lower hatchability have to be expected. With better understanding of the principles involved, p… Read more

  • Ross Tech Notes: Incubating Eggs at High Altitudes

    A hatchery which is sited at high altitude (1500 meters (4921 feet) or more above sea level) faces some particular challenges;  slower embryo growth, longer incubation periods and lower hatchability have to be expected. With better understanding of the principles involved, p… Read more

  • Arbor Acres Service Bulletin: Female Persistency Post-Peak - Managing Fertility and Production

    Chick numbers are most often reduced during the period between 40 to 60 weeks of age because of poor persistency in both egg production and hatchability. It is important to understand the main reasons why broiler breeder flocks exhibit poor persistency post-peak and how to o… Read more

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